Thursday, 6 October 2016

Assignment Evaluation

# Assignment Evaluation:

 Teachers must consider the STUDENT ATTENDANCE (Till the Assignment submission date) for awarding the marks. The maximum marks can be awarded for assignment is 10 marks.

  • If the student attendance is more than 85% in their respective subject and answer all the questions in the assignment, you can consider for awarding full marks.
  • If the student attendance is between 75-84% in their respective subject and answer all the questions in the assignment, you can consider for awarding maximum Marks 08 out of 10
  • If the student attendance is between 60-74% in their respective subject and answer all the questions in the assignment, you can consider for awarding maximum Marks 07 out of 10
  • If the student attendance is less than 60% in their respective subject and answer all the questions in the assignment, you can consider for awarding maximum Marks 05 out of 10

To download the original PDF, click here.

Grading and Vertical Mobility Process for Autonomous Course

 Vertical Mobility

You can download the original PDF here.

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

Selection Making

 Selection Making

 Selection Making

Operators and Expressions

 Operators and Expressions

 Operators and Expressions

Introduction to C Language

 Introduction to C Language

 Introduction to C Language

Decision Making and Looping

 Decision Making and Looping

 Decision Making and Looping

Algorithm and Flowchart

 Algorithm and Flowchart

 Download Algorithm and Flowchart